Smile Time Dental provide effective and clinically tested Pola White Teeth Whitening solutions. Teeth Whitening is one of the most effective cosmetic dental treatments we provide. A bright shining smile can be unforgettable for moments that are captured in photos and video for major events such as; Weddings, Formals, Photo Shoots, Pageants.

Notably, we are excited for the opportunity in potentially making your teeth whiter and brighter. Our team is dedicated in providing you with personalized and compassionate care. Most importantly, our commitment is providing you with education, so that you can make informed decisions for what is best suited for you and your budget.

Pola Whitening

How much does it cost for dental teeth whitening?

At Smile Time Family Dental in Boondall, we supply Pola White Teeth Whitening Gel. Our custom molded trays are uniquely shaped to your teeth to ensure a more accurate application of teeth whitening gel throughout your teeth.

Please note: A Dental Checkup and Clean is required prior to recommendation and administering of Teeth Whitening.

Why do I need a Checkup & Clean before whitening?

It’s clinically recommended to have a dentist analyze your teeth prior to providing teeth whitening treatments. This allows the dentist an opportunity to asses the structure of your teeth and if any cavities must be fixed prior. Cavities may increase the sensitivity of your teeth.

remove tarter

The strength of your enamel can also be examined during the consult. With sensitive teeth, our dentists can recommend various whitening concentrations suitable for your teeth.

Thorough cleans performed by a dentist, allow for the removal of Plaque and Tarter buildup that may only be removed using professional dental materials. Existing tarter and plaque build up may block the teeth whitening from effectively working in certain areas. If undetected, cavities, plaque and tarter may cause further damage in the future. Such damage may be irreversible or costly if not rectified in preliminary stages.

Dentists can also provide you with realistic expectations of teeth whitening prior to administration as there are different factors that can effect the end results of whitening.

For most effective and safe results please follow the instructions from your dentist or Pola Smile packaging.

Does teeth whitening work on Fillings?

Teeth whitening is NOT effective on per-existing fillings, crowns and other external restorations.

Teeth Bleaching is only effective on natural teeth. Therefore after treatment, your natural teeth may appear a different shade than other material restorations.

How whiter will my teeth get after using Pola Smile?

Pola Smile Whitening Chart

We use Pola Smiles official whitening chart as a reference as to how white your teeth may go. In reference to the Pola Smile 8 grade chart, on average teeth may go 2-3 shades whiter.

Please note, that not all cases are not accurately predictable. This is why professional consult by a dentist is necessary as we can analyze the causes of your current staining, oral habits, and strength of your natural teeth. Upon usage, teeth do not continuously whiten. Teeth cannot whiten past their natural white shade.

How long does whitening take?

Applied correctly and regularly within the advised time frame by your dentist, whitening results can be seen on average 5-14 days. It is recommended to take before and after shots over this period to visibly notice results.

Is Pola Smile Safe?

As Pola Smile is clinically tested, case studies have shown that correct application of the bleaching gel from dental instruction is safe on teeth and gums.

It is advised NOT to use Pola Smile during pregnancy and important to avoid swallowing of bleaching gel. Use tissue or cloth to remove excess gel that may overflow out of the trays during application.